Channel: MalayalamKuttiPaatugal
Category: Education
Tags: malayalam moral storiesഇരട്ട പെണ്കുട്ടികള്malayalam storiesmalayalam fairy talesiratta penkuttikalfairy tales in malayalammalayalam storymanthrika kathakalmagical flower and a witchചായ വില്പ്പനക്കാരന്tea sellermagical umbrellamalayalam short storiesmoral stories malayalamdevatha kathakalshort stories malayalamchaaya vilpanakkaranmalayalam stories with moralsfairy tales malayalamtwin daughter’s
Description: Hello, Watch ചായ വില്പ്പനക്കാരന് - Chaaya Vilpanakkaran, story of a Tea Seller in Malayalam. “Malayalam stories” is a unique channel that uploads original stories from ancient texts, folklore, and contemporary literature. The stories have educational value and culminate with a moral for the watching audience. Check our other Malayalam stories in our channel if you like it, please comment and share don’t forget to share your feedback. #FairyTales #MalayalamStories #stories #3danimated #funnycomedy Please Subscribe for More stories